Some people will understand you, some people won't. Some people will accept you, some people won't. Some people will appreciate you, some people won't. Some people will feel blessed to know you, some people won't. Some people people will avoid you, some people won't.
Some people will look for you,
some people will find You. Some people will see You, some people won't. Some people will hear you, some people won't. Some people will feel you, some people won't. Some people are sleep walking, some people are awake. Some people get you, some people don't Some people will love you, some people won't.
Let people be who they be.
Always be your be your trueSelf.
With Love Always,
I am an Intuitive Life Guide and if you would like to have a 15minute complimentary chat to see if Intuitive Life guidance is for you, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at and we can organise a mutually convenient time.