Is healing a journey or a destination?
Healing is a journey and not a destination. I don’t think healing ends as one can continue to peel back the layers, and as one does one becomes more and more self aware. Some people don’t like the word healing as they think it means there is something wrong with them, that needs fixing. I would disagree. For me it means you love yourself enough to give yourself what you need to step into more of the truth of who you are. Healing is personal growth, spiritual development, self awareness, self love and the list goes on.
Trauma, happens in life, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, sexual etc., it can even be passed down intergenerational. It is those who choose to say this stops with me and look at what they can do to stop this, how they can heal themselves, so as not to repeat the past and continue to pass down the trauma patterns they have been programmed with to their children and future generations, they are the cycle breakers.
Choosing to heal means you are choosing better for yourself, and those around you, you are choosing to find ways to let go and release behaviours you were taught, behaviours you adopted and developed to survive, as you have decided that you want to be more than your past traumas and more than the wounds you have. You are choosing that you want to remove anything that is stoping you from the becoming the version of you you want to be, to live the life you want o life. Choose to heal means you intend to be a cycle breaker.
Self love, self healing and self awareness is a journey of a lifetime, and there are times that are harder than others. Most on this path have made the commitment to themselves, that they want better for themselves and for those that come after them and have faith that they will find their way through the ups and downs on this path they have chosen.