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Do you give someone another chance to be in your life after they hurt you?

Do you give someone another chance to be in your life after they hurt you?

This is not always an easy question and sometimes can be a hard decision to make. First thing is, do they even recognise what they did that caused you harm, that hurt you? If not, then nothing is has changed and you are more than likely going to experience the same behaviour from them again, and experience more pain. This, for me, is a red flag and I would advise you to tread very careful and take your time making your decision.

If they do recognise what they did that hurt you, which is the first step to heali

ng, have they been working on it? If not, then I would question is it important for them to make changes so as not to hu

rt you again? Maybe they don’t care if they hurt you again or not.

If they do recognise what they did and are working on it, how long have they been working on it? Change is not a quick or easy process, as you will know if you have been working on yourself.

When did they start working on it, was it after you left or stopped seeing them? If so it is like that it will not last as they are chaining as a last resort out of desperation and once they have what they want from you they will go back to how they behaved before you left.

Are they holding themselves accountable for their actions and making the changes so as not to hurt you. They need to want to do, so you should not have to keep asking them or encouraging them.

The biggest question of all is can you heal from the pain and harm they caused you with them in your life or do you need space from them to help yourself heal. If you need space and recognise this and can give it to yourself, know that you are worthy of meeting your needs and you are worthy of healing.

If you are interested in working together, get in touch via or and we can organise a clarity call to see if we are a good fit.

with Love



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