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Don't give up, Rest.

Don't give up.


I took this past week off to rest.

The previous two weeks had been so stressful and full on, I was worn out. Then on Monday evening I received the news my dearest Kusum Mami (Aunt) had passed away.

I just couldn't stop crying. I didn't sleep that night. In the middle of the night though my tears, I emailed all my appointments for the week, advising them of the need to reschedule and the reason for it.

It was all just too much, and I needed space to be, and to rest. I needed all the energy I had for myself, to give me the space to grieve, recover and rest. I had nothing to give anyone else's at this time.

It was quite up and down, that week. One day I was in tears all day, the next I felt so buoyant. Grief is not something one can plan for or know what it is going to be like. In my expericence it is different of each of us and we can experience grief differently for each bereavement. Also I have learnt, that for me at least, that the grief does not completely go away as such, I just learn a new way to live, accepting what has occurred.

This evening I feel more energised and balanced and ready to be there for others again. ( Bank holiday Monday 31st May 2021).

I share this as the contrast between me this evening and a week ago is unrecognisable. Rest is often the best medicine to heal. To have space to be, to listen for what one really needs and to do ones best to give it to oneself.

I have had some help along the way with lovely peeps, to who I send love and gratitude.

If you are going through a grief or loss of some kind, I send you compassion and comfort as you move through it.

Sending love and gratitude for you 💫💗


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