Forgive You come to a place, And realise you no longer wish to hold on. You want to let go. But, how? You realise you want to...
Never apologise
Never apologise to others for their misunderstanding of you. They are on their journey and you are on yours. We only see and appreciate...
Behind the clouds
Behind the clouds the sun is always shining bright!Look up.Look to the sky. Look to the sun it is always shining it’s light, boldy in full g
Love leads me home
As I walked home this evening, look what was on the pavement in front of me
True Colours
The gift of being sick. You see,Who cares. Who is really there with you
the truth
the truth is authenticity not conformity
A December to remember...
I am loving December! I am filled with gratitude for all that this year has brought, the healing, the turning point I have been feeling...
Freedom Freedom to be yourSelf Freedom to express yourSelf Freedom to Choose Freedom to say Yes or No Freedom to agree or disagree ...
Trusting yourSelf.
Trusting yourSelf. In a world that is full of expectations, fitting in and doing what is expected, to trust and act on your own is unique....