Be the Change

Be the change
I love you
Be the change
I accept you
Be the change
I approve of you
Be the change
I forgive you
Be the change
Let go
Be the change
Be yourself
Be the change
Free yourself
Be the change
Express yourself
Be the change
Love yourself
Be the change
Now, be the change you wish you see in the world.
Be what you want to see in the world.
Give what you want to receive in the world.
~ Dhriti Mehra ~
I woke this morning at 5.30am with "Be the Change" ringing in my ears, I fell asleep and work at 7am with "Be the Change" still ringing in my ears. I pick up my note pad and the above words came. As I wrote I was reminded of Mahatma Gandhi's words, Be the change you wish to see in the world. This was also came as the topic for todays Monday Morning Meditation Circle.